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Writing NIH Progress Report

NIMICT Original

NIH Policy on the Inclusion of Women and Minority groups in Clinical Research


Writing your NIH Research Progress Report?

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you



#1 Items 1-5

Who is conducting the study?

Use the Face Page to state all of the involved PI’s/PD’s in the study. Make sure to put someone down as the “Contact-PI.”


#2 Item 6

Including Human Subject?

Are human subjects going to be involved in your study? If so, check yes and make sure that you follow the rules of the Office for Human Research Protection.


#3 Item 7

Any animals involved?

Is animal testing part of the process? If so, check yes and if the applicant organization has a current approved Animal Welfare Assurance on file with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, enter the Assurance number of the applicant organization in Item 7b. In addition, provide certification of current Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approval of the animal activities.


#4 Items 8a & 8b

Expected Costs?

In 8a, state the direct costs requested for the next budget period. In 8b, add the costs expected including the Facility and Administrative costs.


#5 Item 9

Inventions and Patents?

Have any inventions or patents been used or applied for during the study? If yes, check the appropriate box to indicate if this information has been shared with the Public Health Service or to the official responsible for patent matters at the grantee organizations. All inventions must be accounted for.


#6 Item 10

Where will the study take place?

State where the conducted research will take place, include all places if more than one.


#7 Item 11

Applicant Organization

Add the information of the individual who is authorized to act for the applicant organization and who assumes the obligations of federal laws, requirements and conditions for a grant or grant application.


#8 Item 12

Any corrections or changes?

Face page changes can be made here, use this space for corrections and changes.


#9 Item 13

Applicant Organization Signature

An original signature, in ink, is required by an institutional official with formal designated or delegated authority to sign on behalf of the organization. The signature must be dated.


Well done! You now know the basics of writing a NIH Research Progress Report
