Enhancing Minority Participation in Clinical Trials (EMPaCT)
EMPaCT's mission is to "increase recruitment and retention of racial/ethnic minorities into therapeutic clinical trials with the ultimate goal of reducing cancer-related health disparities." EMPaCT created the following resources:
Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards

[cm_tooltip_parse]Examines the ways in which the culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) standards can be applied to recruiting diverse communities to clinical trials. This document is focused on cancer clinical trials but can be applied to all types of clinical research.
Cultural Factors Affecting Minority Recruitment

[cm_tooltip_parse]Presents how cultural factors greatly impact minority trial participation and offers tips on how to present a trial using a culturally appropriate approach. This document is focused on cancer clinical trials but can be applied to all types of clinical research.[/cm_tooltip_parse]
Effective Communication

Cultural Competency

[cm_tooltip_parse]Overview of cultural competency and how to recognize the role culture may play in minority recruitment to clinical trials.[/cm_tooltip_parse]