Think Cultural Health (TCH)
The Resources
TCH is "dedicated to advancing health equity at every point of contact. With growing concerns about health inequities and the need for health care systems to reach increasingly diverse patient populations, cultural competence has become more and more a matter of national concern."
Effective Communication with Trial Participants

[cm_tooltip_parse]ThinkCulturalHealth's "Ensuring Effective Communication at Every Point of Contact" step by step diagram in ensuring effective communication at every point of contact with trial participants[/cm_tooltip_parse]
Working with an Interpreter

[cm_tooltip_parse]ThinkCulturalHealth's tips on working with an interpreter for people with Limited-English proficiency and reviews Triadic Interview in clinical trial settings.[/cm_tooltip_parse]
Working with an Interpreter II

[cm_tooltip_parse]ThinkCulturalHealth’s tips on working with an interpreter for people with Limited-English proficiency in clinical trial settings.[/cm_tooltip_parse]
Other NIMICT Tools