Women’s Health Research
FDA's Women's Health Research

[cm_tooltip_parse]The FDA Office of Women's Health (OWH) promotes and conducts research initiatives that facilitate FDA regulatory decision-making and advance the understanding of sex differences and health conditions unique to women.
Women's Health Research Highlights
- Women's Health Research Roadmap
- OWH-Funded Research Projects - by Funding Year
- OWH-Funded Research Projects - by Therapeutic Categories
- Research on Women and Heart Disease
- List of Publications from OWH-Funded Research
- Pregnancy Exposure Registries
- White Paper on Successful Strategies for Engaging Women and Minorities in Clinical Trials (PDF - 1.2MB)
- FDASIA Section 907 Report: Collection, Analysis, and Availability of Demographic Subgroup Data for FDA-Approved Medical Products (PDF - 1.6MB)
- FDASIA Section 907 Action Plan to Enhance the Collection and Availability of Demographic Subgroup Data
- FDA and Women’s Health: Good Science Means Better Care - Speech by Margaret Hamburg Remarks by Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., George Washington University, Washington, DC
Training Resources
- The Science of Sex and Gender in Human Health Free CE Courses developed by the FDA Office of Women's Health and NIH Office of Research on Women's Health
- Women's Health Curriculum for Pharmacy Schools
Curriculum and Tool Kit developed through a collaboration between the FDA Office of Women's Health and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Other FDA Research and Safety Monitoring Programs
Other NIMICT Tools