Planning Your Next Budget Period?
NIMICT Orginial

Every budget year you, as an investigator, have to send in a progress report to continue the support for your Public Health Services (PHS) grant and continued NIH funding. These annual progress reports should be submitted electronically through the eRA Commons electronic Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) module.
Name and Role on Project
Starting with the PD/PI(s), list all employees of the applicant organization who will be involved with the project for at least one month or more, regardless of whether or not salaries are requested. Enter the number of months that will be devoted to the project. Make sure to use the right column when entering either academic, calendar, or summer months.
Salary Requested
Regardless of the number of months being devoted to the project, enter the dollar amounts for each position for which funds are requested. The salary requested may not proportionally exceed any imposed salary limitation.
Fringe Benefits
Fringe benefits (employee benefits exempt from taxation i.e., health insurance, company car, cafeteria plan, etc.) may be requested in accordance with the institutional guidelines for each position, provided the costs are treated consistently by the applicant organization as a direct cost to all sponsors.
Calculate the totals for each position and enter the subtotals in each column where indicated.
Special Instructions
Additional regulations apply when working with veterans. For more information about working with veterans, visit here.
Consultant Costs
Whether or not costs are involved, provide the names and organizational connections of all consultants, other than those involved in consortium/contractual arrangements. Briefly describe on Form Page 3 any changes in services to be performed. Include the number of days for which consulting is anticipated.
Equipment and Supplies
List items of equipment separately and justify the purchases on Page 3. Itemize supplies in separate categories, such as glassware, chemicals, radioisotopes, etc. Categories in amounts less than $1,000 do not have to be itemized. If animals are to be purchased, state the species, strain(s), age(s), sex, and the number of animals to be used.
Provide the destination and purpose of each trip, the number of people going, and the expected costs.
Patient Care Costs
Be specific when describing the estimated costs, including the number of patient days, estimated cost per patient and day, and cost per test and treatment. Provide information and expected costs on both inpatients and outpatients. Are other sources expected to be involved in the financing of the care cost? Ex. Pharmaceutical Companies. Patient care costs do not include travel, lodging, and subsistence or donor/volunteer fees. Request these costs in the 'Other Expenses' category.
Alterations and Renovations
Itemize by category and justify all alterations and renovations, including repairs, painting, etc.
Other expenses
Itemize any other expenses by category and unit cost.
Each participating consortium/contractual organization must submit a separate detailed budget (Form Page 2) and budget justification (Form Page 3) for the next budget period.
For further information visit: